Basic workflow
About script of generating report of Basic workflow
Initialize object
Set SIRIUS project path and its version to initialize mcnebula object.
## The `path` is where your SIRIUS project saved.
path <- "."
mcn <- mcnebula()
mcn <- initialize_mcnebula(mcn, "sirius.v5", path)
## "pos" or "neg"
ion_mode(mcn) <- "pos"
Filter candidates
Filter molecular formula and chemical structure
According to the top chemical structure to build specific_candidate
of reference
Learn more
mcn <- filter_structure(mcn)
mcn <- create_reference(mcn)
mcn <- filter_formula(mcn, by_reference = T)
- Use
to customize the filtering, such as:filter_structure(mcn, dplyr::filter, tani.score >= .5)
. This is similar infilter_formula
.Tips (after above):
- Use
latest(mcn, subscript = ".f3_fingerid")
to get the filtered candidates of the chemical structure (Top candidate for each feature)- Use
latest(mcn, "project_dataset", subscript = ".f3_fingerid")
to get all candidates of all features- Use
to get the selectedspecific_candidate
- Use
latest(mcn, subscript = ".f2_formula")
to get the filtered candidates of the molecular formula (Top candidate for each feature)- Use
latest(mcn, "project_dataset", subscript = ".f2_formula")
to get all candidates of all features
Filter chemical classification
Learn more about chemical classification.
mcn <- create_stardust_classes(mcn)
mcn <- create_features_annotation(mcn)
mcn <- cross_filter_stardust(
mcn, max_ratio = .05,
cutoff = .4, identical_factor = .6
- Tips (after above):
- Use
to get the data about ‘stardust_classes’- Use
to get the data about …- Use
to get the default parameters about this methods.
(Option) Manually check the filtered chemical classes
Get the kept classes or the filtered out classes.
## The kept classes
classes <- unique(stardust_classes(mcn)$
## The filtered out classes
table.filtered.classes <- backtrack_stardust(mcn)
(Option) Manually filter the chemical classes
Manually filter some repetitive classes or sub-structural classes. By means of Regex matching, we can obtain a number of recurring name of chemical classes that would contain manay identical compounds as their sub-structure.
## Regex match
pattern <- c("stero", "fatty acid", "pyr", "hydroxy", "^orga")
dis <- unlist(lapply(pattern, grep, x = classes, = T))
dis <- classes[dis][-1]
## Remove these classes in `stardust_classes(mcn)`
mcn <- backtrack_stardust(mcn, dis, remove = T)
- Tips:
- Use
backtrack_stardust(mcn, dis)
to recover these classes.
Create Nebula-Index
After following, whether it is all filtered by the algorithm provided by MCnebula2’s function or custom filtered for some chemical classes, we now have a data called ’nebula_index’. This data records a number of chemical classes and the ‘features’ attributed to them. The subsequent analysis process or visualization will be based on it.
mcn <- create_nebula_index(mcn)
- Tips (after above):
- Use
to get the data …
Create Nebulae
Compute spectral similarity
See help(compute_spectral_similarity)
about the algorithm.
mcn <- compute_spectral_similarity(mcn)
Create Parent-Nebula
Create network data for Parent-Nebula.
mcn <- create_parent_nebula(mcn)
mcn <- create_parent_layout(mcn)
- Tips (after above):
- Use function of
to output .graphml (e.g., use for Cytoscape), such as:igraph::write_graph(igraph(parent_nebula(mcn)), "test.graphml", "graphml")
- Use
to get the data …- Use
to get the data …- …
Create Child-Nebulae
Create network data for Child-Nebulae.
mcn <- create_child_nebulae(mcn)
mcn <- create_child_layouts(mcn)
- Tips (after above):
- See
for example about how to export ‘.graphml’ of all Child-Nebulae.
Activate the Nebulae for visualization
This would create ‘ggset’ about functions and parameters for ggplot2 to visualize the Nebulae.
mcn <- activate_nebulae(mcn)
- Tips (after above):
- Use function of
to get the ‘ggset’ of Nebulae. Such as:get_ggset(mcn, 'parent', modify_set_labs)
.- Use method of
to visualize ‘ggset’, such as:call_command(get_ggset(mcn, 'parent', modify_set_labs))
Visualize Nebulae
Visualize Parent-Nebula
visualize(mcn, "parent")
Visualize Child-Nebulae
## Visualize the specific item (number or classes name)
visualize(mcn, 1)
## Visualize all into one plot
(Option) Workflow Mode
Use the following command to get the code that outputs the full report containing the above analysis. You can modify the parameters on the basis of the output code to fit your data or your needs.
workflow(mode = "print")
- Tips: Using
to catch the text output in the command lines, such as:
file <- tempfile(fileext = ".R")
workflow(mode = "print")